Cambridge Outdoor Lighting Ordinance

Proposed Lighting Zones

This map shows the lighting zones defined in Sections 7.15 & 7.20 of the current Cambridge Zoning Ordinance (CZO) and the Cambridge Proposed Outdoor Lighting Ordinance as of May 2, 2016. Details are below the map.

Zone definitions

The RED ZONE (densest and brightest) is Lighting Zone 3 as defined by the proposed ordinance. It contains zones ASD, BB, BC, C-3, C-3A, C-3B, IB, IB-1, IB-2, IC, O-2, O-2A, O-3, SD-1, SD-3, SD-4, SD-4A, SD-5, SD-6, SD-7, SD-8, SD-11, SD-15, MXD, CRDD plus all AOD and PUD overlay zones.

The YELLOW ZONE (less dense and less bright) is Lighting Zone 2 as defined by the proposed ordinance. It contains zones BA, BA-1, BA-2, BA-3, BA-4, BB-1, BB-2, C-1A, C-2, C-2A, C-2B, IA, IA-1, IA-2, NP, O-1, O-3A, OS, SD-10(F), SD-10(H), SD-12, SD-13, SD-14, SD-2, SD-8A, SD-9.

The GREEN ZONE (lowest density) is a subset of LZ2 defined by the CZO. It contains residential zones A-1, A-2, B, C, C-1.

The (approximate) 100-foot buffer defined in the proposed ordinance, the Cambridge Open Space zones, and the Cambridge Zoning Overlay Districts are shown as overlays which may be turned on and off. Click on any zone to see the zoning category for that zone.

Zone areas and borders

The GREEN ZONE encompasses 2.8 square miles, 39.7% of the total area of Cambridge (7.1 sq mi).
The YELLOW ZONE is 2.5 sq mi (34.6%).
The RED ZONE is 1.8 sq mi (25.7%).

1.7 sq mi (24%) of Cambridge is zoned as OPEN SPACE.
The GREEN ZONE + OPEN SPACE is 4.5 sq mi (63.7%).
The YELLOW ZONE - OPEN SPACE is 0.8 sq mi (10.6%).

The border between the green and yellow zones is 36.7 miles long. The border between the green and red zones is 6.8 miles long. Select the corresponding map overlays to visualize the borders.


Zoning data from Cambridge GIS. Visualization by Kent S Johnson .

Copyright 2016 Kent S Johnson Creative Commons License 2016-10-25