This map shows the tracks of all flights departing from Logan Airport runway 33L on January 17, 22 and 27 2013, January 5, 10 and 16, 2015 and November 3, 2015. Also shown (in blue-gray) are the waypoints and nominal paths for the RNAV routes from 33L.

Data from Massport.

Altitude at closest approach

The track data includes the altitude of the flights at each location. For each flight, I found the point of closest approach to my house in North Cambridge and the altitude of the flight at that point. The first plot compares the distance and altitude at closest approach in 2013 to those in 2015. The second plot shows just the distance at closest approach.

Time of day

This histogram shows the number of flights per hour for each day.

Location of closest approach

The final map shows the ground location of the point of closest approach, colored by year.

Copyright 2016 Kent S Johnson Creative Commons License